Sunday, January 18, 2009

Are Social Networks More Efficient Than The News?

Notice: WHAT ARE THEY SMILING AT? Why are they so happy all of the time? What is so funny? These are the questions I ask when I watch the news, not about what is going on in the world. These people are distracting. I think this distraction might be a tactic to keep us from being "scared." Well, I got some news: It ain't working!
HERE'S SOME GOOD NEWS: What began as a horrific accident in the Hudson turned into something beautiful for the citizens of The United States...

This picture was taken by some dude who was a nobody, until a US Airways plane crashed into the Hudson. Yes, some guy took this photo you see to your left and proceeded to post it immediately onto twitter. Wow! You are my hero! I mean he could have helped save a life, but he was capturing the moment!  He took a classic pic and arrived before any News Channel 5 could! In fact, the news crews had a hell of a time getting to the scene. Now this guy is probably making millions and will fly into the journalism business. Sheesh...

Does this mean that social networks may be the "new" source of our news? Well, perhaps. We the people now possess the technology and have the ability, through the Internet, to do our own broadcasting to the world. This guy's picture traveled around the globe in less than 2 hours! He used no cheesy, or over exaggerated paragraphs to explain the situation. All he did was post this picture using his iPhone.

So basically, if we keep on posting the actions of life before us, then we may actually rid ourselves of this fake news that has been plaguing our society for decades.

I actually think it would be great to rid our televisions of these cheese puffs. We already know what to expect anyway: killings here, war there, disease and cancer, etc...  If I want to hear the news, I just tune in to NPR and listen to All Things Considered. I don't need some chick with glue and plaster on her face to tell me what's going on in the world. Their jokes aren't even funny. If I was watching the news for comedy hour, I would just tune in to The Daily Show, where the news is ACTUALLY funny! 

One last bit of info: Don't you think the birds would have seen a large jet coming their way and gotten the hell out of the way? I don't know, just an observation.

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