Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My New Bicycle

I got a bike. Actually, Dan got me a bike. To us it is the only way to get around the city without waiting on the train for two hours at a time. For the past week, I've been riding to work and rehearsals. The cold air hitting my face, and riding along the Lake Shore path has been so refreshing.
Feels good to be back in Chicago. Even though I lived here for almost 5 years before I left for New York, it feels like a different place. Neighborhoods have changed, people have changed, and my routine will never be the same as before. Change is good. In fact, change is amazing. However, for the past 2 weeks since I've been here I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. The change of pace and environment are so much different from New York. It is slower here and more friendly. These things do not bother me though. It is more or less starting over again. I was just beginning to get my feet on the ground in New York. More stable I am now, but as a career move, I feel like I'm starting from ground zero. My boyfriend tells me this is all mental. Yet, how can I feel stable when I move around all the time?
Certainly, I have not stepped back at all by moving here. Yet somehow I feel as if that might happen somehow. I am very happy beginning a new life with Dan and embarking on a Pilates career. However, I feel a shift in my personality. Recently I have had no desire to socialize with anyone around me, at work or with family. My personality even seems different. Something really has to be funny to make me laugh and right now, only Dan tends to do that for me.

Maybe it is the change that has been getting to me. I'm not sure.

I love this city! The winter is approaching fast and I am afraid it will be even harder to leave the apartment.


Rachel Burton said...

Hey! Wandered over from Facebook blogs. Really like the blog! Welcome back to Chicago. We just moved downtown not too long ago and love it. Looking forward to more posts!

Anonymous said...

i lived in chicago without a car and rode a bike everywhere for YEARS. about twelve miles a day to and from school. winters too. but then my knee started hurting so i moved to evanston ane got a car. when you are on a bike you are always waving your fist at people in cars - and when you are in a car bike riders are generally annoying. keep us informed.