Sunday, March 2, 2008


I woke up this morning half an hour later than I intended to. Somehow that snooze button was being pushed! I scrambled to my feet and threw on whatever was lying on the floor in front of my bed, zipped out the door and headed to the train. As I arrived at the pilates studio door I whined with frustration, "Why do people work out on Sunday mornings? What happened to the day of rest? I want to go back to bed." I pulled open the door and threw my bag onto the floor next to my desk. The phone immediately rang. Somehow my voice was not coming out of my mouth. I placed my hand over my lips to see if  they were moving. Nothing. The lips were not moving, but I was saying the routine words in my head. Finally, I managed to spit out a "hello" into the phone. That conversation ended finally and I plopped into the chair and stared into the computer. My mind had shut off from the world around me and all I could think about was how much I needed some coffee. If anything I needed it for something to do. My mouth was aching for its morning delight. The phone kept ringing and ringing with no chance to go downstairs, right next door, and into the deli for just a drop of coffee! I sat in the chair with rolling wheels, and spun around in circles. My eyes were slowly closing and I could feel a headache approaching. I must look like a drug addict. Maybe I am a drug addict. I am certainly reliant on it every day. Gosh, I would rather be in bed right now curled up in my pajamas with my cat, reading a good book. Maybe even sipping on my own coffee from the french press. Shaking away those thoughts I tried to do my measly little job and schedule clients into their appointments. "A moment of silence? Should i go and get the coffee now?" I wondered to myself. Half way off the seat but still holding on as if I was playing musical chairs I contemplated "Yes, go just go." I stood up and threw my coat on and flew down the stairs. Then my heart pounded, I was so close, I tripped and fell flat on my face. I laid there on the concrete with busy New Yorkers stepping over my splayed decaffeinated body. Yea, I never got the coffee. I never actually woke up that day. I was stopped by gravity and my own clumsiness. This should be a lesson to all who need their morning coffee and cannot function daily without it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bethany's Mom here on another cold, gray, Michigan winter's morning.
Love your writing!! I can especially relate to "decaffienated" I
sit here reading your blog and inhaling my first cup of rich, strong Columbian brew. [Note: I am none of the above :-) ]
How do I subscribe to your blog?