"What size?
How many shots?
With or without whipped cream?
Bold or mild blend?
Sugar free or regular syrup?
Foam or no foam?"
People are very particular about their coffee and how they like it prepared. I believe that how one takes their coffee represents a personality type or certain traits. For instance, let me set the scene for you.
In walks Barbie with her Gucci sunglasses, wearing her Burberry scarf tied neatly around her neck. Her stiletto heels pounding into the hardwood floor as she stomps over to the counter to order her drink. She orders a sugar-free vanilla, 2 splenda, nonfat latte, extra hot with no foam. OH, and steamed to 180 degrees. In other words she is high maintenance, self absorbed, too thin, and thinks she is extra extra hot.
Another one would be.. lets say Jason. Jason walks in and orders a large, nonfat latte with whipped cream. Jason is a heavy set man who looks to be in his mid to late 30's. He knows that he should be aware of his weight but compromises by adding the whipped cream. He does this in every area of his life. One day he might be wise with his money and save a certain amount, but the next day he will splurge and buy a big screen tv that he cant afford.
Now I'm not saying that this applies to everyone. However, everyday when I walk into the cafe and stand behind the espresso bar, it seems to be pretty accurate to me. I cant help but laugh when I see the similarities. Today actually a very statuesque African American man walked into the cafe. He never looked up at me from the counter and ordered a "Large black and bold". Those were his exact words. Couldnt help but chuckle when I poured the hot steamy black coffee from the urn. When I handed him his coffee his deep voice bellowed "Can I have a receipt?"
My question to you is this: How do you take your coffee?